1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
There's an article by Clay Allsop about meta-programming in Rubymotion
at http://clayallsopp.com/posts/rubymotion-metaprogramming/

I tested to see if eval() works in desktop Rubymotion apps (I read
somewhere that the reason it's not included is due to Apple restrictions
on run-time code evaluation in iOS, rather than a limit of Rubymotion),
but it doesn't.

17/05/2013 13:19
Is RubyMotion a full Ruby. Does it support reflection and metaprograming?
Thanks, David Kramf
MacRuby-devel mailing list
17/05/2013 12:15
While I'm really happy about OS X support on RubyMotion, it is not a
replacement for MacRuby.
It offer JIT compiler, you develop orders of magnitude faster as you
dont need clean and rebuild every time.
You have full ruby compatibility, load standard library as you wish.
It loads gems and framework dynamically like what you would expected
from regular ruby.
You don't have to write new gems, or rewrite them. Many gems just
work, even native ones could work.
You can use regular technique for meta programming, and generally you
don't enter a uncanny valley between dynamic language and static build
Some of these limitations are inherited from RubyMotion due to iOS
restriction, I don't see them going away anytime soon.
That said, RubyMotion team is the ones who know most of MacRuby, and
their direction is not like MacRuby in past. If you are going to
develop Mac app, your best choice is probably go RubyMotion, or just
use Objective-C.
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